More Ways to Hide PHP Usage

There are a few other methods that you can use to hide your usage of PHP from visitors to your website. Another trick is to use filenames without extensions and then tell Apache to process them as a PHP file. This can be done easily by amending your .htaccess file to include the following lines:…

Hide PHP Usage

If you are the web developer for a site, then you might not want visitors to know that you are using PHP for your scripting. One simple way around this is to use a different extension for the PHP files instead of the default .php. You can use any extension that you want, including: You…

Send an email from PHP

It is common now for developers to use email as a means of communicating with users from the website. There are many reasons that you might want to do this, including: Before you start to configure your PHP scripts to send emails, you will first need to know some configuration settings for your email system….

Error reporting with PHP

When you are working on your website, you will sometimes want to change the level of error reporting that your code returns. This is a great way to get full diagnostic information to fix a problem in your latest piece of code, but be careful only to show error reporting on your test site and…

Ignore User Aborts with PHP

When you are developing or supporting a website, it does not always work perfectly. Sometimes a visitor will abort a script that is running, and when that happens, you want to try and avoid that causing a client disconnect. The ignore_user_abort() function determines whether the remote client can abort the running of the script. This…