The PHP Ternary Operator

This is a great way to shorten simple if/else statements in PHP It is possible to use the Ternary Operator syntax to shorten this down to 1 line: Now, this is no doubt fairly common in your applications – a simple comparison determining the value of a variable. This can feasibly be rewritten for one…

Thoughts on Code Comments

Commenting on your code is an essential part of keeping your projects maintainable. It will save you and your team time in the long run. Over-commenting is a problem. Explaining every last detail creates noise and makes your project harder to work on. Consider the following: Less is More.Say just enough to clarify any unusual situations….

1and1 hosting server logs

For anyone who hosts with 1and1, be aware that the server logs will be deleted after three months. As anyone who uses 1and1 will know, the statistics you can find via the control panel are adequate but nothing special… and frequently slow. Make sure you download the server logs regularly to produce your statistics or…