Anonymous functions

JavaScript allows the use of anonymous functions with full closures. Functions are objects, and you can pass them as arguments like any other object. The scope of a function includes all the names in the scope where it was declared. As you declare functions at run time and local variables can remain after the function…

Type Conversion in Javascript

JavaScript has member functions for all objects, such as “valueOf” and “toString”. When you use literal numbers, Booleans, strings, undefined and null are different from the counterparts that you use for objects. This example shows this: There are ways that you can implicitly convert an object into a literal number, boolean or string. You can…

Using Firebug

JavaScript is easy to write but can be difficult to debug effectively due to the limited debugging functionality it provides. One big difficulty is the lack of an effective display of debugging messages. You can overcome these limitations with the help of external debuggers. If you are developing JavaScript code for the Firefox browser, then…


Assertion is a technique you can use to debug JavaScript code. You use assertion to ensure that an expression evaluates to true during script execution. This means that if any expression evaluates to false, there is possibly a bug in your code. There is no inbuilt assert function in JavaScript, but it is simple to…